Sciante blogs


Tired of waiting for your information?

Tired of waiting for your information?

Your company's reports are built to handle a lot of outputs, a lot of selections and a lot of different cases. That makes them very flexible. It also makes them very slow.

Know how your business is doing right now

Know how your business is doing right now

One of our customers needed their data warehouse to be more current. Much more current. We analyzed the performance of their data warehouse.

Get free employees

Get free employees. Without hiring.

So when your tire runs flat you keep driving slowly and replace the rim and the tire when the car stops moving at all? That's an expensive solution! A rim is much more expensive than a tire and you can only drive at a crawl.

Brewing a GREAT beer is much harder.

Brew Great Beer

Brewing a GREAT beer is much harder. Over the years my beers improved by trial and error. My beer went from drinkable to OK. But I couldn't match the beers I was buying. I wanted to brew at least as good as commercial breweries.

Now I can run like the wind without sore muscles in the morning

Now I can run like the wind without sore muscles in the morning

Recently I bought a smartwatch. Most smartwatches measure your heartbeat, your speed and your distance, but I bought a specialized sports watch. A sports watch measures a lot more like stride length, cadence (running rhythm) and oxygen level in your blood.

Web visitors won't wait for your site

Web visitors won't wait for your site

I found the website of Monique, one of my suppliers, to be really slow. At my suggestion Monique let us perform our free scan. And got herself a big scare. It takes almost 7 seconds before a new visitor sees her homepage. She's already lost 70% of her visitors before they even see her homepage...

Winter is coming

Winter is coming. Economic winter.

The economy is cooling down a bit. My customers see their visitors holding back with purchases. That makes the speed of your website or shop even more important to retain more visitors and to have those visitors buy more. In other words, your site needs to fast enough to keep converting.

Whether you're on target or not

Did you meet your goals for this year?

Are you going to meet them in the final weeks of this year? In this time of year everybody is trying to get you to set your goals for next year, but to set realistic goals for next year you need to know how well you met this years goals and why. If you don't you're not setting goals but making...

Sometimes you need help

Sometimes you need help to learn what you know

One of my customers is experiencing slowness in their entire infrastructure, especially in their helpdesk application. All specialists form all suppliers have looked at the problem, nobody has identified the cause. 'It's not us'